
Nov 9, 2023 MERCon 2023 Conference: Participated as a paper reviewer
Jan 2, 2023 Commenced work as a Lecturer (on Contract) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Nov 7, 2022 The International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer): Published the paper titled “Facebook for Sentiment Analysis: Baseline Models to Predict Facebook Reactions of Sinhala Posts
Oct 24, 2022 36th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation: Published the paper titled “Sinhala Sentence Embedding: A Two-Tiered Structure for Low-Resource Languages
May 2, 2022 Commenced work as a Junior Researcher at LIRNEasia
Apr 29, 2022 Successfully defended the Bachelor’s degree thesis: “Developing a Sentiment Detection Model for Colloquial Sinhala Text Using Facebook Data”